Digital transformation, a level for quality of life at work
Digital transformation has an impact on working life across all dimensions of work. Indeed, it has an impact on different levels of quality of work life within an organization and it represents many opportunities in qualitative and quantitative terms.

This revolution is helping to change the way companies work, their operations and above all the working conditions of employees. Indeed, this revolution affects several aspects, whether at the level of the organization of work, the way of carrying it out or the partnership at work.
Some of the advantages of new technologies at work include:
- Transparency and flexibility.
- Monitor technological and environmental developments.
- Decrease in travel expenses.
Digital brings simplification and flexibility within an organization. Indeed, today with the development of technology, the various members of the company are more and more connected to the Internet and master different computer tools. In addition, employees feel more and more comfortable with the use of digital technologies in their professional life, which has an impact on the future of companies.
The use of digital at work facilitates communication and simplifies the flow of various tasks within an organization. Indeed, the use of digital technology offers several opportunities that go beyond the simple professional framework, as well as it offers flexibility with the use of teleworking while ensuring better security.
This development pushes companies to improve their operations to develop the information obtained, as well as it promotes their productivity.